Fundraise for Feeding Dreams (UK)

Fundraising for Feeding Dreams (UK) is an excellent way to support our work - and have fun while you do it. So, get involved and help us raise funds! 

Do you belong to a club or group such as a cycling club, running club, extreme sports club or any other club? Do you belong to the Freemasons, Round Table, Rotary Club, Lions or a similar organisation?

Is there something you really want to do as the challenge of a lifetime but need a good reason? Or do you want to help in your own way somehow?

If you can say "YES!" to any of these, we would love to hear from you. 

The more support we have from people like you, the more we can do to improve access and quality of education to the children of Cambodia - it's that simple! 

For more information contact us at to let us know your fundraising ideas.