Ways to give

Your money goes a long way

A donation to Feeding Dreams (UK) is an investment in the education of Cambodia's children and the country's future.  Your investment can go a long way. Whichever way you choose to give, your donation will help improve access and quality of education in Cambodia, giving students the opportunity to achieve a brighter and more independent life.

·         Feeding Dreams (UK)'s trustees contribute their time and resources for nil income
·         100% of donations go to FDC’s frontline services in Cambodia

Gift Aid

Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation

The Gift Aid scheme allows Feeding Dreams (UK) to increase the value of your gift by almost a third without any cost to you.

If you pay tax in the UK, then Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift. When you Gift Aid your donation, Feeding Dreams (UK) will be able to reclaim the basic rate tax on your gift. This means for every £1 you give, we can reclaim a further 25p from the UK tax man.  And higher rate taxpayers can claim tax relief for themselves in their annual tax return at up to 18% (40% less 22%) of the gross donation.

To make any or all of your donations to Feeding Dreams (UK) qualify, all you need to do is complete the Gift Aid form, return it to us at our registered address and we will then claim back the tax you have paid from the Inland Revenue on your donation.